Cuiabá Arsenal to Break Brazilian Attendance Record in CBFA Superliga Centro-Sul Final

This afternoon’s American football confrontation between the Cuiabá Arsenal and Coritiba Crocodiles signifies the end of the Superliga Centro-Sul of the Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol Americano (CBFA), or the Brazilian American football championship.
Over 12,000 tickets have been sold for the match which will place at the Arena Pantanal, a stadium built for the 2014 World Cup matches. Kickoff is set for 6p local time in Mato Grosso, Brazil.
The Arsenal aim to break the attendance record for a Brazilian American football game (set during a Coritiba Crocodiles v. Fluminense Emperors match in 2011 at 7,500) and earn a spot in the CBFA National Championship match against the winner of Superliga Nord-Este final between the Recife Mariners and João Pessoa Espectros.
Arena Pantanal seats up to 43,000 fans and the Arsenal have a full slew of American-style entertainment to accompany the exciting on-field American football action including full concessions, cheerleaders, and special guest musical performances.
If your Portuguese is strong, check out the video below to learn more about the Cuiabá Arsenal and the growth of American football in Brazil.
Follow the action and updates on the Coritiba Crocodiles and Cuiabá Arsenal Facebook pages.
Convite Igor Mota – 21 de novembro na Arena Pantanal.Esta chegando a hora. Dia 21 de novembro, sábado, a partir das 18:00 o Cuiabá Arsenal entra em campo contra o Coritiba Crocodiles. Hoje o convite para o jogo é do Capitão Igor Mota. Corra, compre seu ingresso e garanta a sua participação neste jogo, vamos apoiar o Cuiabá Arsenal.
Posted by Encontrei por ai on Monday, November 16, 2015