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ELF: Leipzig Kings whittling down roster as season approaches

When the Leipzig Kings of the European League of Football announced they were holding an open tryout in mid May, they had no idea what to expect.

It appears that the word the word spread quickly and widely.

When head coach Fred Armstrong and his crew finished the day, overseen also by ELF Commissioner Patrick Esume, 110 players had shown up and been run through drills and tests.

Leipzig Kings HC Fred Armstrong timing 40 yard dash

Armstrong was happy with the turnout and results:

“The full count of players including walk ups was 110 players. There were some good athletes who came from all over the Saxon region to be part of our 63 man roster. The level and size of the O/D Line players was the best surprise of the day”

With the European League of Football season set to start June 19 and Leipzig on the following day when they travel to Berlin to play the Berlin Thunder, Armstrong is aware he has plenty of work to do:

“I am really pleased with how things are shaping up but I know how much is left to do before we hit the field in Berlin in less than a month.”

The Leipzig Kings roster will be announced this week.

About the ELF

The European League of Football, ELF, kicks off  June 19, and will wind up with the championship game in September. Eight teams will vie for the title: the Hamburg Sea Devils, Berlin Thunder, Frankfurt Galaxy, Cologne Centurions, Stuttgart Scorpions, Leipzig Kings, Wroclaw Panthers (Poland) and the Barcelona Dragons (Spain).

Photos: Leipzig Kings

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