European League of Football facts that blew my mind

By Matt Bressington
You wouldn’t believe the stories that stats can tell, even in such a young league as the ELF.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that these fresh ELF numbers and data of all sports are like gold for analysts.
Add to this the fact that the European League of Football is a league that has grasped everyone’s attention in a short period of time, and you have the foundation of some fascinating stories.
These videos have been created based on the support and attention from players, coaches and fans and other media members. It can’t be stressed enough. And the tales the stats tell, even from a league only two years old, are amazing.
To this end, I have compiled several stats that simply blew my mind. This is a stats-based video that is geared more towards fans of defensive football. Look for a similar video related to offense in the next day or two.
As the season progresses, there will be plenty of action and fascinating stats to study and analyze ahead.