Exciting Beginnings for Morocco’s American Football Championship Tournament

Earlier this month, the first Moroccan American football championship tournament got off to a great start!
Organized in Tangier, Morocco at the Abi Abbas Assabti school, the first day of the Association Nationale Marocaine de Football Américain (ANMFA) championship tournament saw the Casablanca Stars take the top of the standings after two victories.
Four teams lined up during the first day of the championship, two teams from each of the aligned associations of Tangier and Casablanca members of the ANMFA.
“The primary purpose of this day was to apply what has been seen in training and highlight the different values of American football in terms of respect, committment and seriousness,” said Akram El Jannati, Chairman of Development for the ANMFA and the Tangier Dragons coach.
Among the athletes on this first day are some of the most prominent players in Morocco, including Zaatri Othman, Taoufik Dehmane, and Mohamed Boulima.
Organized in partnership with the Hay Branes Association for the Environment and Development, the first day included a clinic and refresher training dedicated to the to new players present. Led by Najib Kharchafi, formerly of Texas A&M university, this session allowed the was centered on instruction and fundamentals.
“The desire and love of the sport is palpable in each player which explains the greatly improving level,” continued Mr. El Janati.
Unprecedented in Morocco, this first edition of the Moroccan American football championship tournament is the start of other events to be organized by other members of the clubs in the ANMFA.
“The next tournament day will be held in Casablanca during spring break. The ANMFA is attempted to schedule clinics on a monthly basis,” concluded Mr. El Janati.