Iceland’s Reykjavik Einherjar looking for opponents

The Reykjavik Einherjar from Iceland are searching for teams to play against. As the only American football club on the remote island nation of Iceland, opponents are at times hard to come by.
This has not deterred the Einherjar though. In the past two years the team has hosted teams from Austria, Norway, Germany and Great Britain, winning five games and losing three. They lost to the Carinthian Lions from Austria just earlier this year while defeating Swedish semifinalists. the Uppsala 86ers 39-27. They traveled to Mallorca in late October last year to play the Spanish first division team the Mallorca Voltors. Reykjavík won the game, 21-14.
The Einherjar’s reputation has been growing steadily over the past three years, so it has become a little easier to find games. Nevertheless, they are still the only football team in Iceland. And being an island nation with a population of only 300,000, located 1,200 miles north of London, England, Iceland is still as remote as it gets in terms of American football. So Reykjavik spends most of the year practicing, while trolling the international American football community for games.
So now, with a date ready, October 27, they need an opponent after the previous team could not make it. According to the Einherjar, they will offer financial help for the right team as they will be paying for housing, dinner and bus transfers once in Iceland.
If your team or a team you know of is interested, you are asked to send the club a message on their Facebook page.
Check out the replay of Reykjavik’s home win over Uppsala.