Mexico: Liga de Futbol Americano Professional holds 2019 Draft

Mexico’s Liga de Futbol Americano Professional held its 2019 Draft Saturday, January 12 at the Centro de Estudios Municipal Metropolitano of the Acatlán School of Higher Studies (Facultad de Estudios Superiores campus Acatlán (UNAM).
The head coaches and general managers of each of the eight franchises, chose from among 66 players who had been pre-selected in earlier tryouts.
First round selections:
Fundidores: Maximiliano Soto Esquer, defensive lineman from Borregos Salvajes of ITESM Monterrey.
Weight: 108 kg; Height 1.87 m; Age: 25
Condors: Aldo Alejandro Narváez Castillón, receiver from Águilas Blancas of the IPN.
Weight: 70 kg; Height: 1.77 m; Age: 25
Dinos: Víctor Alejandro Sánchez Pulido, linebacker from Auténticos Tigres de la UANL.
Weight: 88 kg; Height: 1.82 m; Age: 25
Mayas: Jesús Augusto Sosa Piña, RB from the Burros Blancos del IPN. Weight: 80 kg; Height: 1.73 m; Age: 25
Raptors: Jose David Casarrubias Santiago, defensive tackle fromde Leones de la Universidad Anáhuac del Norte.
Weight: 120 kg; Height: 1.86 m; Age: 25
Mexicas: José Ulises Espinoza Chuela, defensive lineman from de Águilas Blancas del IPN
Weight: 147 kg; Height: 1.88 m; Age: 25
Artilleros: Carlos Sebastián Olvera Rivas, receiver from the Aztecas de la UDLAP
Weight: 76 kg; Height: 1.77 m; Age: 25
Osos: Enrique Gerardo Yenny Romero, kicker from Borregos Salvajes del ITESM Toluca
Weight: 90 kg; Height: 1.91 m; Age: 24
There were a total of 9 rounds with each team looking to fill the spots they needed.
Schools from both the ONEFA ((Organización Nacional Estudiantil de Futbol Americano) and CONADEIP (Comisión Nacional Deportiva Estudiantil de Instituciones Privadas, A.C) were represented including the UDLAP, and the ITESM of the Monterrey, Toluca, and State of Mexico campuses.
Source: Cinthya García Guerrero
Photos: David Mora and Abigail Cruz