Motion sensors continue technological advances in sport

With sports technology moving at a rapid pace, athletes and coaches are looking for the next big product that will help them.
Gone are the days of just spending hours in the gym and watching film. Modern athletes are adding high tech tools to track and analyze everything they do. Going beyond just wearables, some companies are taking training to another level.
For athletes looking for wearable sensors on their bodies, DorsaVi, an Australian movement sensor technology company, can help. The company recently added the New Orleans Saints and Cleveland Browns to its roster. The two NFL clubs have been testing out the sensor technology and have opted to use it for the duration of this upcoming regular season. The sensors are placed on different areas of the body to measure movement.
For those looking to not only track and analyze motion but view the highlights in HD, Blast Motion may have the tools you need. The Blast motion sensors capture natural motion and identify important performance metrics, providing accurate insights to help you improve your game.
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Similar motion tracking companies like Vert, Shot Tracker and Babolat also have their own take on this technology. For those looking to go even further, GPS analytics companies such as Kinexion and Catapult provide the capability to analyze your play for an individual or a team.
Technology has become the ultimate tool for optimization. Take a look at the different platforms and help your staff become the best it can be.