Preventing injuries in American football

American football is one of the most popular sports worldwide for a reason. It’s exciting, fast paced and sometimes breathtaking, and its physical side is appealing to real men in a similar way in which they are drawn to online betting and online betting reviews such as this Bovada sportsbook review.
However, all contact sports come with serious concerns of head and spinal injuries. Concussions and injuries to the nerve supply of the neck, shoulders and upper arm are some of the most common injuries in the world of American football.
Preventing these injuries is crucial, as treatment can sometimes alleviate the problem temporarily, but long-term negative effects can still remain long after the injury was suffered. In this article we will look at ways of preventing the occurrence of these types of injuries.
Have The Right Equipment on You
Wearing the right equipment is crucial when trying to prevent getting injured. All of your protective gear and the helmet should fit perfectly and should be in good condition.
The helmet is really important as it protects you from concussions. They won’t protect you completely, but they will significantly reduce the chances of a concussion.
This is especially true for helmets who have technology incorporated in them as they can now detect whether a football player has suffered a concussion or not. However, it should be noted that this technology is still in its early stages of development and production, so football players will probably have to wait a little longer for it to become reality.
Master the Art of Tackling
One of the most important things in American football is learning to tackle correctly. Tackling with your head first is the most common mistake that young and inexperienced players make, and this leads to dangerous head injuries.
This means that you should always tackle with your head up and with the front of your shoulder. The shoulder must be the primary point of contact for any football player aiming at avoiding injury.
Coaches And Trainers
Coaches and other non-playing staff working with the players must always teach and practice the right and proper way of tackling. To do this they, themselves, have to always be familiar with the rules and regulations since they are there to keep the players safe and injury free.
Another important element that coaches and trainers need to practice with their squads is to never force or encourage players to play when they have a seemingly minor injury. This is especially dangerous if the injury in question is a concussion or a nerve injury. The medical team should always to a detailed examination of the player and his health before he is allowed to take part or to continue playing in a game.
Playing with a head injury can leave the player disoriented, meaning that he won’t be of much use to his team even if he takes part in the contest. It will also make the player much more likely to feel the consequences of the injury as it will be left untreated.