Take Advantage – Kweishi Brown

So I took two years off after graduating from high school. Within those two years I didn’t know where my life was headed, I didn’t know what I had planned for my future, or what I even wanted to do with my life.
One day, I attended a gathering that a friend of mine from high school hosted. There at the party was old coaches from high school along with some players.
I was asked by multiple people what I was doing and if I was still playing ball. My response was “I’m done with ball , just working”. The responses they gave hit me, because these coaches and players saw more in me than I did myself. “Don’t waste your talent”, “you have so much potential”, “you can go far”, “go back to school and play ball, you’re still young”.
All the positivity and hope these people had for me was nothing but love. I took those words and ran straight to Grossmont Junior College, where I stepped on the field freshmen year, led all junior colleges in interceptions and was an All American. My life started changing for the better. After the first season, Arkansas razorbacks showed up to one of our practices to watch me, it was almost like I was living in a dream because I didn’t even have any of this in my future plans, I didn’t even know what I was getting myself into when I stepped back on the field. But I’m damn glad I did.
Racking up scholarships from colleges across the country, I ended up narrowing down my top 5 after decommitting from Arkansas. Nebraska, Arizona State, University of Washington, West Virginia, and University of Utah. I chose ASU because it was close to home and I loved the way the program was ran. Things didn’t work out as planned while being at a university, yeah I got a degree but I didn’t get the league, which was my goal.
The reason I fell short was because I lost the passion and love I had for the game. Because it got too serious for me, it wasn’t fun anymore. Mentally dealing with some things had me confused on why I was chosen to play on a big stage like this when most times, I didn’t want to be there. I had the wrong mind-set, instead of making every practice count, I was counting the clock on when it was going to be over, knowing I had a baby on the way, something should’ve clicked but didn’t.
I always wished I could change spots with someone who truly wanted to be there because I had no desire. My senior season, my last game was the worst game of football I’ve ever played, which had me not wanting to show my face at my university or step on that field ever again. Time went by and I said to myself there’s no way I’m ending my football career on that note.
I didn’t get any free agency offers after the draft, so I took a year off and told myself I’ll go to the CFL but never over seas. Yet 6 months later, I’m in Germany playing for the Dresden Monarchs who had a great organization, but things conflicted my stay there, injuries being #1 . I came home after 2 months and decided I was done playing football.
I started focusing on finding a job that suited me, time went by and I saw that a couple of my teammates from Dresden signed for Frankfurt. I hit up one of my boys, ‘Sebas’, like put a word in, as a joke, but that joke turned into a serious matter and they wanted me. I was 1 foot in about it, then personal things went on which allowed me to make another trip out there, but this time for Frankfurt Universe. We ended up going to the Championship and falling short by 2 points. At the end of the day, I told myself this was my last season because I have a daughter who I want to be there for. I started my own training business because I want to help inspire others to be the best they can be physically and mentally and with me running around the country, that was going to prevent me from doing so. That’s why I decided to hang it up and start a new chapter.
But advice to all my young athletes, follow your heart, it will take you further than you could ever imagine and live with zero regrets. Take chances and max out with the time you have while you still have it, because time is the most valuable thing we have, yet we use it as if it will always be there. Take advantage!
– Kweishi
Read the original article in The Battered Bastards here.
Follow Kweishi Brown on Instagram where he creates workout plans for athletes looking for off-season work! Or just anyone wanted to get in shape.