What impact will the international vision for CFL have?

It is either the technical quality of the play or the marketing which makes any sports league popular. Whether the CFL has enough quality is up for debate but the league Commissioner Randy Ambrosie is certainly trying to improve the marketability of the league.
It might also be true that promotion is the better option of the two given how the English Premier League is the world’s biggest soccer league despite lacking the technical quality of the Spanish La Liga. Ambrosie seems to be taking lessons from the EPL and trying to search markets for the CFL.
He has an international vision for the CFL and is planning to create a market in Europe. The CFL has already signed TV-rights deal with some countries including Germany. Also a lot of foreign players are being drafted in the league.
The move will definitely prompt growth in international viewership of the league which in turn will strengthen the league financially, thus, paving way for improvement in the playing quality.
Let’s now analyze what impact such international vision will have on the league.
Rise in sports betting
Sport betting is not new to Canada it has been there for quite some time now. But the development in the league’s status will certainly see more people indulge in it. There are already some trusted sports book in Canada. Sport betting in CFL is still not as prevalent as compared to the NFL. But once the CFL gains popularity, sports betting is bound to flourish too.
As it stands placing bets on NFL matches is much more profitable. And if you are in Canada there is no better place than CanadianSportsBetting.com, an aggregator site, which caters to the needs of a large customer base. All the major sportsbook are listed with them.
The aggregator is known for their NFL betting tips, which are highly reliable as claimed by the users. On top of this you also get free bets on signing on. Special bonuses and promotions are also given as the season progresses.
The players to demand improvement in conditions
It should not come to you as a surprise that player protection is not given much attention in many professional leagues. Unfortunately CFL is one such league. But with the success of the league internationally this is bound to change as more revenues flow in. CFL Players’ Association are already pushing for the change and will soon meet the officials to negotiate terms.
Various important issues will be raised in the said meeting. They will ask for complete rehab for injuries suffered on the field. As of now there are no provisions for workers compensation for athletes in Canada. They will also ask for player participation in the committees which draft health and safety rules.
The Association will also ask for increasing the slab on minimum salary a player must receive annually. Currently the bar is set at $54,000 which adds up to US$ 40,000 approximately. Increasing the slab is also important if the league wishes to attract foreign players.