About American Football International

American Football International is THE home for news and information about American football outside the United States!

Mission Statement:

Increase accessibility and awareness of American football in untapped markets through media-based consumer connections.

  1. Use powerful web-based connections with fans and utilize key tools to drive engagement, create positioning for American Football internationally
  2. Engage fans through new and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc…)
  3. Development of current fan base; promote engagement and introduce American football fans to news and products they desire.
  4. Utilize public relations to create broader awareness for the sport, identify and pursue local fan and  player involvement in the sport.
  5. Deliver increased understanding of game to core and secondary markets (UK, Western/Central Europe, China) & (Eastern Europe, India, Brazil, Japan, Australia).

Still interested?

  • Want to join our growing team? Email us here.
  • Do you want your writing to appear on American Football International? Check out our FAQ!
  • Or, if you just want to shoot us a message or ask a question reach out here!