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9 Exercises to Perform Better on the Field

In American Football International’s continuing series of articles offering features and information on off-season training and conditioning, this article by Tammy Kovaluk on gives us nine core exercises that are a must for any football player intent on improving.

If you have any more tips or ideas, please let us know.

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When you break down all of the action on a football field, everything that happens falls into one of three categories: sprinting, engaging in standing hand-to-hand combat, and changing direction. That’s it. So to succeed on the field, you need to prepare during the off-season with moves that translate well to each of those functions. My top nine exercise recommendations are as follows:

Power Clean


Power (which is strength plus speed) is a key element for football players. Studies show that speed and power are the most important factors differentiating between starters and non-starters.[1]

The Power Clean and its variations require you to exert a high amount of force against the ground through a series of rapid movements. It involves triple extension of the ankles, knees, and hips, the same motion you make during a tackle or the start of a sprint. Involving all the major muscles of the body, the Power Clean offers so many benefits to football players that it deserves its own article. (See 5 Reasons Why Football Players Shoulder Power Clean.)

How To

Sets/Reps: 3-6×2-4

Caution: You need a good strength-training base before attempting the Power Clean. Develop this strength with Deadlifts and Front Squats. Once you’re ready to try the Clean, begin with the Hang Clean and have a certified coach work with you on the movement.

Front Squat


Although the Back Squat is certainly a great exercise, if I had to choose one, it would be the Front Squat. Why? The move reinforces good posture, engages the core and is a prerequisite for the Power Clean. The force (bar) is placed in front of the body, which is similar to where the force is when tackling. (Read Front Squat 101.)

How to

Sets/Reps: 3-4×3-8



Any time you line up as an offensive lineman, you’re essentially performing a Deadlift. The move recruits major muscle groups, including the hamstrings, glutes, and back—all muscles you need to be strong and to perform better on the field.

How to

Sets/Reps: 3-4×3-8

Walking Lunges


Football players need single-leg strength, and Lunges are a great way to build it. Besides working all of the major leg muscles (glutes, hams, quads), the move develops balance and fixes asymmetries—something that, if neglected, can come back to haunt you.

How to

Sets/Reps: 2-4×8-12



Another “king” exercise, Pull-Ups not only work your lats and back muscles, they also develop your shoulders, core and grip strength—all helpful attributes for a great football player.

How to

Sets/Reps: 3-4xMax.

Push-Up/Row Combo


This is a great push/pull combination that works the chest, back, shoulders, abs and hips all in one! Working the core while performing pushing and pulling makes this a great combo to develop functional strength for hand-to-hand combat. And having a solid core makes for better sprinting!

How to

Sets/Reps: 3-4×4-6

DB Push Press


It’s a great shoulder developer. In contrast to a Seated Press, this move engages the whole body with rapid hip and knee extension in an explosive fashion, just like you would on the field.

How to

Sets/Reps: 3-4×6-8

Rolling Shrugs


They increase scapular stability, engages a number of neck muscles, and develops the traps—all good stuff to help protect your head!

How to

Sets/Reps: 2-3×6-8

Standing Cable Chops


A great standing combat exercise that develops explosive pushing strength, balance, and hip stability. The move also engages the core.

How to

Sets/Reps: 3-4×6-8 reps.

What? No Bench Press? Although it remains in the Combine, the Bench Press is rated 24th among standing combat exercises, according to Dr. Matt Rhea, whose research entails program development and transfer exercises for football athletes. You’re better off performing a pressing motion in a standing position. Or if you must lie down, try the Dumbbell Press on a Swiss Ball. It will increase your core and shoulder stability while addressing left-to-right imbalances. These types of exercises are tougher, so the weights you hit won’t look as impressive; but remember: the tougher exercises will make you a better athlete and allow you to shine on the field, where it matters.


[1] Baechle, T.R. & Earle, R.W..(2000). Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

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