IFAF Europe Champions League Teams Announced For 2016

[tps_title]Danube Dragons (Austria)[/tps_title]
The Dragons struggled during the Austrian season although they managed to defeat eventual champions the Swarco Raiders early in the season. In the Austrian semi-finals they were eliminated by the Vienna Vikings. This is their first appearance in the Champions League tournament.
[tps_title]Istanbul Koc Rams (Turkey)[/tps_title]
The Koc Rams have been a top contender in the Turkish League for many years and lost the 2015 final to the Sultans. This is their first trip to the Champions League.
[tps_title]St. Petersburg Griffins (Russia)[/tps_title]
The Griffins are coming off a magical season defeating the Moscow Patriots for the Russian crown for the first time in their history. This is the first time a Russian team will compete in the Champions League.
[tps_title]Novi Sad Dukes (Serbia)[/tps_title]
The Novi Sad Dukes are the defending Serbian and CEFL champions. They knocked off the favored Vukovi Belgrade for the first time in their history in 2015 playing under new head coach Doug Adkins. This is their first time competing in the Champions League.